Muhammad Ali Jinnah Biography, Father, Wife, Daughter, Death

Muhammad Ali Jinnah Biography Muhammad Ali Biography

Muhammad Ali Jitra also formed a new Islamic nation, Pakistan. He was a prominent leader of the Muslim League, which sought to create Pakistan on the basis of religion.

It was because of Muhammad Ali Jitra that the country was divided. Jitra was not only a politician, but he also gained considerable fame as a lawyer.

So let’s know some important things about the life of Muhammad Ali Jitra –

Biography of Muhammad Ali Jitra – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Biography of Muhammad Ali Jitra at a Glance – Muhammad Ali Jinnah Biography

Full Name Muhammad Ali Jitra
Birthday 25 December 1876, Karachi, British India
Father Name Jitra Bhai (Poonja Lal)
Mother Name Mithi Bai
Wife Amibai, Ratanbai degenerate
Daughter Dina jitra
Education Studying law
Death 11 September 1948, Karachi, Pakistan

Birth, family, education and early life of Muhammad Ali Jitra – Muhammad Ali Jinnah History

Muhammad Ali Jitra was born in Karachi on 25 December 1876 in a Gujarati and affluent family in British India. Jinnah’s family was mainly from Kathiawad, Gujarat, who had a taluqat from Hindu religion till a generation ago.
His grandfather, Premji Bhai Thakkar Gondal, was a Hindu businessman, who ran a fish business. At the same time, his grandfather was expelled from the caste due to this trade, after which his father Poonjalal Thakkar, angrily changed his religion and converted to Islam. Hence Jitra was also called second generation Muslim.

Education of Muhammad Ali Jitra – Muhammad Ali Jinnah Education

Muhammad Ali Jitra took admission in Sindh Madrasa ul Islam in Karachi at the age of 6 and after that he did further studies from Mumbai Cathedral and John Kanan School.
Shortly thereafter, he returned to Karachi where he took admission in the Christian Missionary Society High School and then moved to England for his legal studies and started working as a lawyer.

Muhammad Ali Jitra’s marriage and children – Muhammad Ali Jinnah Information

While he was studying, his mother got him married to Amy Bai. At first, Jitra refused to marry, but later he agreed to the wedding on the advice of his mother.
But their marriage could not last long. After which Jitra married Rattanbai in 1918, who was about 24 years younger in age. After marriage, both of them also had a daughter named Dina Jitra.

As the most expensive and successful lawyer – Muhammad Ali Jinnah As Lawyer

Mohammad Ali Jitra returned to India after completing his law studies from England and started advocacy here at the age of 20.
He was known as the most famous and expensive lawyer of the time. During his advocacy, he came in contact with many big politicians and then his interest started moving towards politics.

Muhammad Ali Jitra’s political life – Muhammad Ali Jinnah Political Life

In the year 1906 Muhammad Ali Jitra joined the Indian National Congress Party and then he played an important role in the freedom struggle.
After this he joined the Muslim League, then he tried hard to bring the Muslim League and Congress together.

Muhammad Ali Jitra as the founder and first Governor General of Pakistan – Muhammad Ali Jinnah As Governor General

Muhammad Ali Jitra, popularly known as Pakistan’s ‘Qayed Azam’, demanded the partition of the Muslim League in the year 1940 and then proposed the formation of a separate state.
Jitra demanded the creation of Pakistan by combining India’s partition and Muslim majority provinces on the basis of religion. Let us tell you that due to Jitra in the year 1947, India was divided and a new Muslim nation Pakistan was established.
After partition Jitra had the distinction of becoming the first Governor-General of the new nation of Pakistan. Not only this, Jitra was the first person to raise the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan.
However, Jitra died a year after the formation of the new Islamic nation.

Death of Muhammad Jitra – Muhammad Ali Jinnah Death

The famous Ali Jitra, who is considered an ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity, breathed his last on 11 September 1948 in Karachi, Pakistan. The cause of his death is said to be TB disease.
Although Jitra hid his illness, the doctor and none other than him knew about this deadly disease.
In fact, Jitra had also hidden the matter of his illness, that if the Mountbatten and other Congress politicians came to know about this deadly disease, then the partition of India and Pakistan would be postponed for some time and their creation of a separate Muslim nation Pakistan The dream of it could never be fulfilled.

Important and amazing facts related to Muhammad Ali Jitra – Information About Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Muhammad Ali Jitra, who formed Pakistan on the basis of religion, was one of the most expensive lawyers, who at that time charged a fee of one and a half thousand rupees, but after the establishment of the Muslim nation of Pakistan he used to pay only 1 rupee per month. , Because they did not want to plunge their new nation into debt for any reason.
Jitra was the youngest Indian to have a law degree.
Jitra preferred to live in an orderly manner and grace. They often wore suits, ties and hats. He had more than 200 suits and never used the tie he once wore.
Jitra may have formed Pakistan on communal grounds, but he was not a staunch Muslim. They used to consume things forbidden in Islam and never offered namaz.
His family was Hindu for a generation before Jitra, so he was also called second generation Muslim. Let me tell you that his grandfather was a Hindu, while his father adopted Muslim religion.
Historical heritage in the name of Muhammad Ali Jitra:
Many schools, universities and colleges in Pakistan have been named after him in honor of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jitra.
A picture of Muhammad Ali Jitra has been printed on Pakistan currency.
There is also a Muhammad Ali Jinnah Express in honor of Muhammad Ali Jitra not only in Pakistan but also in Tehran, Iran. Not only this, Turkey’s biggest road is also named after him.
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