Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero Bio, Early Life, Career, Net Worth and Salary

Rafael Callejas is a former Honduran President. From 1990 until 1994, he was in charge of the office. He was born into a landowning family and came to the United States to pursue his education at Mississippi State University. He returned to his nation after studying agricultural economy there and working as a banker and economist for a few years. He began his career at the Council for Economic Planning before being promoted to Director of Agricultural Planning. He subsequently went to work for the Department of Natural Resources, where he eventually rose to the position of Secretary. He went on to become the treasurer of the National Party of Honduras and a member of the party’s political commission in the years that followed. He was nominated as the party’s presidential candidate for the third time in the 1989 elections after losing two consecutive elections. This time, he won the presidential election with a majority of the vote and was elected for a four-year term. Maintaining sustained economic growth, strengthening the administration of justice, and recovering the country’s political and financial credibility in the international arena were the main objectives of his tenure. He served for four years and made important contributions to improving his country’s economic and social situations.

Childhood and Adolescence

Rafael Callejas was born in Tegucigalpa on November 14, 1943, into a landowning family.
He attended the American School in Tegucigalpa for his elementary education and then the San Francisco Institute for his high school studies.

He received his Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural economics in 1965 and subsequently a Master of Science degree in agricultural economics from Mississippi State University in the United States.
He studied agricultural development at the Social Studies Institute in The Hague, Holland, in 1967.

A Career of Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero

Rafael Callejas was nominated to the Higher Council for Economic Planning in 1967 and served there until 1971. He was promoted to top evaluator in the Office of Agricultural Planning in 1968.
He was the deputy secretary of the Department of Natural Resources from 1972 to 1975.

He served as the secretary of that department from 1975 to 1980, and then as the director of agricultural planning from 1983 to 1984.
He joined the National Party of Honduras as treasurer in 1980. (NPH). When the military agreed to democratic elections the next year, he was chosen as the party’s presidential candidate, but lost to Liberal Party nominee Roberto Suazo Córdova (PLH).

He later became the leader of the National Renovation Movement, a conservative section of the National Party, in order to pursue his presidential campaign in 1985.

In the 1985 elections, both major political parties allowed many candidates to run, and while he received 42.6 percent of the individual vote, the PLH candidates received 51.5 percent of the total vote, resulting in his defeat once more.

He was re-nominated as the National Party’s presidential candidate in 1989. He was elected with an overwhelming majority of 52.3 percent this time. On January 27, 1990, he was sworn in as President.

During the early stages of his presidency, as President, he was instrumental in bringing about significant economic reforms. He cut government spending and expanded exports, particularly from non-traditional maquiladoras.

During his time, Rafael Callejas faced significant economic issues. He devalued the Honduran currency, the Lempira, and decreased public spending, as advised by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), resulting in the layoff of many public employees. With decreased taxes and tariffs, he also promoted investment.

He faced resistance from organized labor over his economic policies, since many employees’ living standards deteriorated as a result of his pro-business policies. Any aspirations of economic recovery were eventually dashed by the global financial crisis and its massive impact on Honduras.

Because of his growing unpopularity as a result of the crisis, he opted not to run for President in the November 1993 elections. On January 27, 1994, he resigned as president.

Major Projects of Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero

His government made important contributions to the social arena, including the creation of the ‘Family Assistance Program (PRAF)’ and the ‘Honduran Fund for Social Investment (FHIS)’.
He pursued liberal economic policies and attempted to attract both domestic and international investment. During his presidency, stable economic development was maintained, poverty was alleviated, and substantial infrastructural investments were made.

Achievements & Awards

Mississippi State University appointed him an Honorary Professor in 1989.
Rafael Callejas was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the Mexican University of Guadalajara in 1993.

Personal History and Legacy

Rafael Callejas and his wife, Norma Gaborit, have three children together.

Estimated net worth

Check out Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero’s net worth in 2020. Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero’s cars, money, salary, and lifestyle are also updated. Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero’s estimated net worth is $ USD 3 million, according to online sources (Wikipedia, Google Search, Yahoo Search).

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