Keeping Asia’s Net-Zero Dream Alive

Keeping Asia’s Net-Zero Dream Alive

Energy serves as the backbone of human and economic progress globally. However, the escalating consumption of fossil fuels has led to a surge in carbon dioxide emissions, changing the global climate. The impact is notably severe in Asia, with numerous weather-related disasters disproportionately affecting the region. According to the World Meteorological Organization, Asia had 81 … Read more

Centering Climate Change in the China-US Competition

Centering Climate Change in the China-US Competition

Advertisement The world is at a strategic inflection point between devil-may-care industrialization and sustainable survivability. The same era that led humanity to previously unimaginable heights and technological advancements beyond our forebears’ wildest imaginings have come at a cost: post-industrial age climate change.  Nowhere in the world is that cost more existential than in the Indo-Pacific. … Read more