China’s Influence in the Middle East and Its Limitations

The Global Security Initiative: China’s New Security Architecture for the Gulf

The discourse surrounding China’s influence in the Middle East all too often swings between binary narratives. Some overstate China’s regional clout, suggesting its expanding footprint is pushing the United States out of the Middle East. Others underestimate China, contending that despite its growing regional power, Beijing harbors insufficient leverage to affect any meaningful change. Between … Read more

China’s Diplomatic Coup in the Middle East: The Facts Behind the Hype

The Global Security Initiative: China’s New Security Architecture for the Gulf

Advertisement Symbols sometimes speak louder than facts, even when they shouldn’t. The public diplomacy focused on “development” that followed China’s so-called mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran involved a dizzying series of visits and initiatives labeled in the usual propaganda style. They were loosely connected to China’s various grand schemes for the planet – up … Read more