4 Key Takeaways Emerging from China’s Trade Data  

What ‘De-risking’ Means for China

“Economic globalization represents the trend of history. Like the world’s great rivers, the Yangtze, the Nile, the Amazon and the Danube – they all surge forward in relentless flow, and nothing can stop their mighty movement, not the current of undertows or hidden shoals or rocks beneath the water,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said in … Read more

The Tale of 2 Economies: Navigating the Growth Paradox in China 

The Tale of 2 Economies: Navigating the Growth Paradox in China 

China presents a compelling case of the growth paradox, where robust economic indicators mask underlying disparities and societal sentiments. The dichotomy between China’s impressive economic figures and the lived realities of its businesses and people indicates how these contradictions coexist. Understanding these divides and seeking solutions to bridge them can have a significant impact on … Read more

China’s Export-Reliant Growth Model Threatens Its Trade Relations

What ‘De-risking’ Means for China

China’s latest official figures on the economy confirm two simultaneous truths.  First, deflation, lower demand for durable goods, and lower imports persist, even if there has been some consumption rebound. New fiscal stimulus and a strong push for local government bonds to rescue the real estate sector have not had an impact on new borrowing … Read more

China’s July Exports Tumble by Double Digits, Adding to Pressure to Shore up Flagging Economy

What ‘De-risking’ Means for China

Advertisement China’s exports plunged by 14.5 percent in July compared with a year earlier, adding to pressure on the ruling Communist Party to reverse an economic slump. Imports tumbled 12.4 percent, customs data showed Tuesday, in a blow to global exporters that look to China as one of the biggest markets for industrial materials, food, … Read more