Multilateralism and China’s Hedging Strategy 

Will China’s Private Security Companies Follow the Wagner Group’s Footsteps in Africa?

When countries find themselves tactically navigating the push and pull of larger global forces, they master the art of hedging. From India to Indonesia, Turkey to South Africa, Saudi Arabia to Brazil, nations constantly balance their economic ties with China against their security alliances, predominantly with the United States. This balancing act is becoming a … Read more

Making China-US Ties More Resilient 

Making China-US Ties More Resilient 

An opinion article by Ryan Hass, director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution, was widely circulated in social media and academia after Foreign Affairs published it in its November/October 2023 issue in late October 2023. Hass argued that “Washington should aim to preserve a functioning international system that supports U.S. … Read more

Stop Calling China a ‘Revisionist Power’

China’s Switch From the Belt and Road to the Global Development Initiative

Xi Jinping’s announcement of three global initiatives since 2021 has sparked considerable debate about Beijing’s articulation of the international order. However, much of the analysis and commentary surrounding these initiatives have focused on the degree to which they illustrate China’s revisionism. As a result, they fall short in three regards.  First, the status quo-revisionist binary … Read more

Can China Really Build a New World Order?

China’s Switch From the Belt and Road to the Global Development Initiative

Advertisement Hardly a day goes by without more pronouncements about China’s intent to remodel the world order. “China is the only country with both the intent to reshape the international order and the power to do it,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned. Beijing’s “clear goal is a systemic change of the international order … Read more

In Global Battle for Hearts and Minds, China and Russia Have Edge Over US

In Global Battle for Hearts and Minds, China and Russia Have Edge Over US

China Power | Diplomacy | East Asia Analysis of 30 years of U.N. data reveals that China and Russia have been far more successful in winning support for their positions from the global community. Advertisement It is no secret that China and Russia have been among the most vocal critics of the U.S.-led international world order, actively working to … Read more