China Sets Record for Activity Near Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in 2023

China Sets Record for Activity Near Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in 2023

The number of days Chinese government vessels were spotted in the contiguous zone of disputed islands in the East China Sea hit a record high in 2023. The China Coast Guard (CCG) also set a record for the number of vessels operating in the same waters around the Japanese-controlled but Chinese-claimed islands, which are known … Read more

Managing the Complex Maritime Disputes That Divide China and the US

Managing the Complex Maritime Disputes That Divide China and the US

Americans are keen to effectively “manage” their relations with China. They view the stakes as enormously high – defense of the “rules-based order,” with the credibility of the U.S. alliance system perceived to be at stake. U.S. leaders have advocated for direct military talks and the start of serious arms control negotiations with Beijing.  Chinese … Read more

China’s New ‘Standard Map’ Does Not Mean What You Think It Means

China’s New ‘Standard Map’ Does Not Mean What You Think It Means

Advertisement If a picture is worth a thousand words, then China’s new “Standard Map 2023,” which has angered and alienated many of China’s neighbors, speaks volumes. So far, however, the international audience appears to have missed its most interesting message. Some of the furious international reaction has to do with disputes over territory. China’s map … Read more

Dog Fight over the South China Sea

Dog Fight over the South China Sea

Advertisement  A fighter jet skims low over the water and shoots past an off-shore drilling platform. A voice crackles over the radio: “You have entered China’s air defense identification zone.” The pilot of the intruding aircraft replies in American-accented English: “We can come and go whenever we want.” The stealth fighter goes full throttle, and a sonic boom shatters … Read more