Busting 6 ‘Peak China’ Myths 

Social Class Is the Silent Killer in Beijing’s Heatwaves

In recent years, there has been a notable shift among certain Western politicians, media outlets and think tanks regarding their perspective on China’s developmental trajectory. The once-popular theory of an imminent Chinese collapse, famously asserted by Gordon G. Chang over two decades ago, has finally begun to lose traction. But there is still a lingering … Read more

The Political Calculus Behind Xi Jinping’s Emphasis on Climate Leadership

The Political Calculus Behind Xi Jinping’s Emphasis on Climate Leadership

On February 1, 2024, after renewing diplomatic ties with Nauru, a former ally of Taiwan, Qian Bo, China’s special envoy to Pacific Island nations, expressed China’s willingness to cooperate with Nauru in combating climate change. This initiative is part of a wider trend in China’s engagement with developing countries on environmental issues.  Over the past … Read more