North Korean Exports Hit Record High Since UN Sanctions Took Full Effect

North Korean Exports Hit Record High Since UN Sanctions Took Full Effect

After years of disruption from United Nations sanctions and the pandemic, North Korean exports to China surged through the first 11 months of 2023. However, North Korea’s export recovery is potentially fragile due to its dependence on a single export category. Beginning with Resolution 2270 in 2016, the U.N. Security Council has passed a series … Read more

After Nearly 4 Year Gap, North Korea Begins Issuing Visas for Chinese Businesspeople

After Nearly 4 Year Gap, North Korea Begins Issuing Visas for Chinese Businesspeople

North Korea has begun issuing visas to Chinese nationals again, around three years and 10 months after the government closed the border due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The authorities are prioritizing visas for Chinese traders, investors, and technicians. On Saturday, Daily NK obtained a photo of a visa North Korea issued to a Chinese national … Read more