China’s Concerns About Nuclear Escalation and the Way Forward 

US Flies Nuclear-Capable Bombers to Korean Peninsula

International arms control is undergoing the most drastic changes since the end of the Cold War. The major pillars of the established arms control framework, such as the Anti-Ballistic Missile, the Intermediate Nuclear Forces, the Open Skies, and the New Strategic Arms Reduction (START) treaties, are either dead or dying.  The United States, one of … Read more

More Than Just Nuclear: Risk Reduction in the China-US Relationship 

More Than Just Nuclear: Risk Reduction in the China-US Relationship 

The Missile Defense Agency’s Flight Test 06b Ground-Based Interceptor launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. on June 22, 2014. Credit: U.S. Missile Defense Agency In a June speech, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan indicated that the United States would need new strategies to achieve its longstanding goal to “reduce the risk of nuclear conflict.” … Read more

China Studies Nuclear Risk in the Context of the Ukraine War

China Studies Nuclear Risk in the Context of the Ukraine War

Advertisement In shaping patterns of future warfare, there is little doubt that militaries across the world will be seeking to absorb the key lessons of the Russia-Ukraine War, ranging from the employment of tanks to the use of anti-ship cruise missiles and the ubiquitous drones. For the Chinese military, these lessons might even assume a … Read more