What Is the State of the Chinese State?

What Is the State of the Chinese State?

Advertisement Despite successive rounds of restructuring by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2018 and 2023 that led some analysts to proclaim the CCP’s absorption of the Chinese state, China’s government apparatus under the State Council survives and continues to strengthen important institutions. Since becoming CCP General Secretary in November 2012, Xi Jinping has redefined … Read more

The Party Rules: China’s New Central Science and Technology Commission

The Party Rules: China’s New Central Science and Technology Commission

Advertisement In March 2023, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council of the People’s Republic of China jointly issued the “Reform Measures of the Party and State Organizations.” Among the initiatives to be taken was the establishment of the Central Science and Technology Commission (CSTC). The new commission would take … Read more

Identity Politics in U.S. China Policy Could Backfire

Identity Politics in U.S. China Policy Could Backfire

Advertisement Two weeks ago, I attended a talk on the geopolitics of technology, where the ongoing U.S.-China competition was a recurring theme. After the talk, I had the chance to have a brief conversation with the speaker, Democratic Senator Mark Warner. As a moderate China hawk who often sides with Republicans on various counter-China topics … Read more