The De-risking Push Misunderstands China’s Manufacturing Strengths 

The De-risking Push Misunderstands China’s Manufacturing Strengths 

Amid escalating geopolitical tensions, the United States has grappled with the challenge of “de-risking” its trade relations with China over the past three years. This involves reducing dependence on China’s predominant role in global supply chains through measures such as tariffs, sanctions, and the exclusion of tax credits. The objective is to incentivize manufacturers to … Read more

The Complex Reality of Uyghur Forced Labor: Unveiling the Products Implicated

The Complex Reality of Uyghur Forced Labor: Unveiling the Products Implicated

Advertisement A recent report released by the Helena Kennedy Centre in the United Kingdom sheds light on the extensive role of Uyghur forced labor in global supply chains, far beyond the commonly recognized sectors of cotton, tomato, and polysilicon production. The study highlights the need for enhanced due diligence strategies and procurement protocols to tackle … Read more