Japan-South Korea Cooperation Rests on the Rule of Law

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s Visit to South Korea: 3 Points to Watch

A long-standing legal axiom holds that courts should render similar decisions in similar cases. In a rule-based society, judicial consistency is paramount in preserving the rule of law and avoiding disarray. This principle is even more relevant when litigation involves multiple nations, as a unilateral verdict in one country may induce unwarranted diplomatic conflict. In … Read more

A Turning Point for South Korea’s Weaponization of Defamation Laws?

South Korean Court Denies Arrest Warrant for Opposition Leader Lee in Corruption Allegations

Advertisement On October 26, South Korea’s top court acquitted Sejong University professor emerita Park Yu-ha on criminal defamation charges. The decision came after the Seoul High Court convicted Park in 2017, overturning a lower court’s ruling earlier that year.  Park’s legal saga began in 2015 when she was tried for allegedly slandering comfort women in … Read more