Reclaiming Culture and Identity as a Central Asian Adoptee 

Reclaiming Culture and Identity as a Central Asian Adoptee 

“Really? From here? You are so lucky…” The market seller’s maternal instincts seemed to overtake all intentions of haggling as she dropped several souvenirs into my hands and looked at me with amazement and pride. A Kazakhstan-born orphan, adopted to German and American parents, back here in Kazakhstan? She said now she knows fate exists. … Read more

Why Boris Johnson Is Wrong About the British Indian Ocean Territory

Why Boris Johnson Is Wrong About the British Indian Ocean Territory

Advertisement If Boris Johnson is to be believed, Britain might just be poised to lose one of its 14 remaining Overseas Territories. In a column for the Daily Mail, the former prime minister claimed to have an “informant” who said it is now a “done deal” that Britain will be handing control of the Chagos … Read more

Central Asia Comes Out of the Russian Shadow

Central Asia Comes Out of the Russian Shadow

Magazine The region’s search for language, historic memory, cultural heritage and – above all – dignity received a new impetus from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Advertisement In Central Asia, speaking the Russian language used to be a sign of education, high culture, and a marker of the upper class. Its mastery also presented more opportunities … Read more