Forecasting Democratic Futures in Asia and the Pacific

Forecasting Democratic Futures in Asia and the Pacific

International IDEA’s latest Global State of Democracy report found something somewhat unexpected about democratic trends in Asia and the Pacific: the broad democratic decline of recent years across the region had mostly come to a halt. This does not mean that the trend has reversed. The overlapping crises of inflation, high sovereign debt levels, and … Read more

Can Hong Kong’s July 1 pro-democracy march energize political reform bid? | TheStarsHub

Can Hong Kong's July 1 pro-democracy march energize political reform bid? | CNN

Story highlights March organizers say they expect around 100,000 people to attend Rally comes two weeks after a controversial electoral reform bill was voted down Pro-democracy lawmakers hope a large turnout will pressure the government to reopen dialogue on political reform Hong Kong TheStarsHub  —  Hong Kong’s pro-democracy lawmakers are hoping heightened political tensions in … Read more

The US and Japan as G7 Champions of Health and Democracy

The US and Japan as G7 Champions of Health and Democracy

Advertisement Japan hosting the G-7 presidency in Hiroshima next week signals a ripe moment for deeper, deliberate U.S.-Japan collaboration on promoting global health and democratic norms. The two areas are longstanding prominent features of both powers’ foreign policies anchored in their shared respect for human dignity. Scaled up, methodical cooperation in both areas would make … Read more