Himalayan glaciers could lose up to 80% of their ice by 2100 as temperatures rise, report warns | TheStarsHub

Himalayan glaciers could lose up to 80% of their ice by 2100 as temperatures rise, report warns | CNN

Hong Kong TheStarsHub  —  The world’s highest peaks are at risk of losing up to 80% of their volume by the end of the century with profound consequences for millions of people under worst case climate scenarios, international scientists in Nepal warned in a new report. The report, published Tuesday by the International Centre for … Read more

Thousands of dead fish have washed up on a Thai beach. Experts say climate change may be to blame | TheStarsHub

Thousands of dead fish have washed up on a Thai beach. Experts say climate change may be to blame | CNN

Climate change may have stimulated a plankton bloom that caused thousands of dead fish to wash up along a roughly 4 kilometer (2.5 mile) stretch of beach in Thailand’s southern Chumphon province on Thursday, an expert said. Thon Thamrongnawasawat, deputy dean of the Faculty of Fisheries at Kasetsart University, attributed the fish deaths to the … Read more

A ‘once-in-200 years’ heat wave caught Southeast Asia off guard. Climate change will make them more common | TheStarsHub

A 'once-in-200 years' heat wave caught Southeast Asia off guard. Climate change will make them more common | CNN

Hong Kong TheStarsHub  —  Every day, countless mopeds criss-cross the congested city of Hanoi, in Vietnam, with commuters traveling to work or motorbike taxis dropping off everything from parcels to cooked food and clients. One of them is Phong, 42, who starts his shift at 5 a.m. to beat the rush hour, navigating the dense … Read more

Siberia swelters in record-breaking temperatures amid its ‘worst heat wave in history’ | TheStarsHub

Siberia swelters in record-breaking temperatures amid its 'worst heat wave in history' | CNN

TheStarsHub  —  Dozens of heat records have fallen in Siberia, as temperatures climbed above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 Celsius). Despite only being early June, records are tumbling across parts of Siberia as extreme heat pushes into unusually high latitudes. Last Saturday, temperatures reached 37.9 degrees Celsius (100.2 Fahrenheit) in Jalturovosk, its hottest day in history, … Read more

This country’s love affair with air conditioning shows a Catch 22 of climate change | TheStarsHub

This country's love affair with air conditioning shows a Catch 22 of climate change | CNN

TheStarsHub  —  When the temperature soared to 99 degrees Fahrenheit last month, Singapore resident Chee Kuan Chew saw just one option: cancel all plans and stay indoors in air-conditioned comfort. “You can’t survive without air con in Singapore,” Chee said. “It’s impossible with the heat.” The 20-year-old university student lives with his family in a … Read more