In Taiwan, Battling Fake News One Conversation at a Time — With a Focus on Seniors

In Taiwan, Battling Fake News One Conversation at a Time — With a Focus on Seniors

Their days often began at the crack of dawn. They’d head out to a church, a temple, a park and set up a stall. They’d seek out seniors in particular, those who are perhaps the most vulnerable citizens of the information-saturated society that has enveloped them. To get people to stop and listen, they’d offer … Read more

Russian Fake News Targets Kazakhstan Over Supposed Bioweapons

Russian Fake News Targets Kazakhstan Over Supposed Bioweapons

Advertisement The Russian fake news machine continues to operate, fabricating lies not only about Ukraine and NATO member states but even about neighboring states whose governments have cordial relations with Moscow. A recent fake news post about Kazakhstan in a Russian Telegram channel highlights how Astana must continue to walk a fine line regarding its interactions with … Read more

US Bioweapons Story Reignites Concerns About Disinformation in Taiwan

US Bioweapons Story Reignites Concerns About Disinformation in Taiwan

Advertisement Disinformation may be on the rise in Taiwan ahead of the 2024 elections next year. In recent years, much attention has gone to disinformation and misinformation as it is spread through social media networks as Facebook and Twitter, or messenger apps such as LINE. However, this may occlude the role that traditional media networks … Read more