Xi Jinping’s Quest for Self-governance Without Democracy

Xi Jinping’s Quest for Self-governance Without Democracy

In the quest for modern governance solutions, China continues to explore innovative methods to ensure local accountability without adopting Western-style democratic elections. This trend has been particularly notable during Xi Jinping’s tenure, marking a significant deviation from the methodologies preferred by his predecessors. Under Xi, the once-promoted enthusiasm for local elections has significantly waned.  A … Read more

The Human Level of China’s Security State 

The Human Level of China’s Security State 

Advertisement In their book “Surveillance State,” journalists Josh Chin and Liza Lin illustrate how Chinese authorities use an advanced national database, connecting identification documents, facial recognition data, fingerprints, and travel history. Additionally, China’s extensive network of CCTV cameras serves as a second, more powerful layer of scrutiny. The footage captured by these cameras is analyzed … Read more