Managing Dissent Within: The Taliban Way

Managing Dissent Within: The Taliban Way

The chronic failure of governance and unyielding attachment to regressive values notwithstanding, the Taliban’s hold over Afghanistan appears to be consolidated. Initial hopes that the Taliban 2.0 would be a different species have been belied. Even the anticipation that a contestation between the moderates or dissenters and the hardliners within the group would weaken it … Read more

The Taliban Are Diverting Aid, But How Much?

The Cost of Uzbekistan’s ‘Pragmatic’ Taliban Policy

Advertisement “… [I]t is no longer a question of whether the Taliban are diverting assistance from our programs to help the Afghan people, but rather how much they are diverting,” writes the U.S. Special Inspector for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) John F. Sopko in the introduction to its 60th quarterly report, published this week. The report … Read more