The Latest Security Legislation in Hong Kong Betrays Beijing’s Insecurity

Hong Kong’s Article 23 Legislation Is Another Step Toward Authoritarian Rule

On Tuesday, Hong Kong’s legislature unanimously passed the Basic Law Article 23, the city’s homegrown national security law. The bill was approved only 11 days after it was introduced, and less than four years after Beijing imposed the draconian National Security Law (NSL) on the city, whose broad provisions criminalize an enormous range of activity … Read more

Hong Kong’s Dismal December

Hong Kong to Cut Elected Council Seats in Blow to Democracy

With the trial of media mogul Jimmy Lai beginning this week, the issuing of another round of arrest warrants and bounties against five exiled Hong Kong activists last week, and the sham district council elections on December 10, Hong Kong is once again in the news – all of it bad. The national security trial … Read more

The Slow, Insidious Attack on Freedom of Religion in Hong Kong

The Slow, Insidious Attack on Freedom of Religion in Hong Kong

When people think of China’s repression of religion, they understandably think of the genocide of Uyghur Muslims, the atrocities perpetrated against Tibetan Buddhists, the persecution of Falun Gong, and the crackdown on Christians across the country, involving the destruction of thousands of crosses and churches. They do not generally think of Hong Kong. But over … Read more

Why RCEP Should Think Twice About Admitting Hong Kong

Hong Kong to Cut Elected Council Seats in Blow to Democracy

Advertisement As the United States prepares to host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, a notable absent from the line-up will be John Lee, the handpicked chief executive of Hong Kong. Lee is currently the subject of U.S. sanctions for his ongoing involvement in the rolling human rights crackdown in the city. Lee’s disinvitation was not always … Read more

Rights Group: Uyghur Student Missing in Hong Kong, Feared Detained

China Power | Society | East Asia Abuduwaili Abudureheman has gone missing after texting that he was interrogated by police at Hong Kong’s airport. Advertisement A Uyghur student has been missing in Hong Kong for more than two weeks since he sent a message saying he was being interrogated by Chinese police at the city’s airport, a human rights … Read more