Can Hong Kong’s July 1 pro-democracy march energize political reform bid? | TheStarsHub

Can Hong Kong's July 1 pro-democracy march energize political reform bid? | CNN

Story highlights March organizers say they expect around 100,000 people to attend Rally comes two weeks after a controversial electoral reform bill was voted down Pro-democracy lawmakers hope a large turnout will pressure the government to reopen dialogue on political reform Hong Kong TheStarsHub  —  Hong Kong’s pro-democracy lawmakers are hoping heightened political tensions in … Read more

Taliban crackdown on women should be probed as crime against humanity, rights groups say | TheStarsHub

Taliban crackdown on women should be probed as crime against humanity, rights groups say | CNN

TheStarsHub  —  The Taliban should be investigated for crimes against humanity over their brutal crackdown on the rights and freedoms of women in Afghanistan, two leading human rights organizations have urged. Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) said the group’s treatment of women and girls meets the criteria for gender persecution, which … Read more