82-year-old Korean man has heart attack after choking on ‘live octopus’ dish | TheStarsHub

82-year-old Korean man has heart attack after choking on ‘live octopus’ dish | CNN

Seoul, South Korea TheStarsHub  —  An 82-year-old man in South Korea had a heart attack after choking on a piece of “live octopus,” or san-nakji, a local delicacy comprised of freshly severed – and still wriggling – tentacles. Fire station authorities in Gwangju, a city near the country’s southern tip, received a report on Monday … Read more

How India’s population exploded to overtake China’s and what’s next | TheStarsHub

How India's population exploded to overtake China's and what's next | CNN

TheStarsHub  —  Counting millions of people is never an easy task, but according to the United Nations, India now has more people than China, an epochal shift in global demographics that happened sometime in late April. Most of the world has grown up with China holding the title of the world’s most populous country, but … Read more

South Korea is cutting ‘killer questions’ from an 8-hour exam some blame for a fertility rate crisis | TheStarsHub

South Korea is cutting 'killer questions' from an 8-hour exam some blame for a fertility rate crisis | CNN

Seoul, South Korea TheStarsHub  —  Raising a child in South Korea is no easy task. By the time their toddlers can walk, many parents have already begun scouting out elite private preschools. Their goal? That by the time these toddlers turn 18 they will have grown into students able to ace the country’s notoriously uncompromising, … Read more

In country with world’s lowest fertility rate, doubts creep in about wisdom of ‘no-kids zones’ | TheStarsHub

In country with world's lowest fertility rate, doubts creep in about wisdom of 'no-kids zones' | CNN

Seoul TheStarsHub  —  For a country with the world’s lowest fertility rate – one that has spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to encourage women to have more babies – the idea of barring children from places like cafes and restaurants might seem a little counterproductive. But in South Korea, “no-kids zones” have become … Read more

A ‘once-in-200 years’ heat wave caught Southeast Asia off guard. Climate change will make them more common | TheStarsHub

A 'once-in-200 years' heat wave caught Southeast Asia off guard. Climate change will make them more common | CNN

Hong Kong TheStarsHub  —  Every day, countless mopeds criss-cross the congested city of Hanoi, in Vietnam, with commuters traveling to work or motorbike taxis dropping off everything from parcels to cooked food and clients. One of them is Phong, 42, who starts his shift at 5 a.m. to beat the rush hour, navigating the dense … Read more

World’s first swine fever vaccine nears approval in Vietnam | TheStarsHub

World's first swine fever vaccine nears approval in Vietnam | CNN

Vaccines against African swine fever being tested in Vietnam are close to approval, global and US veterinary officials said, in what would be a major breakthrough to tackle the deadly animal disease that regularly ravages pig farms worldwide. African swine fever has for years disrupted the $250 billion global pork market. In the worst outbreak … Read more

North Korean leader’s sister attacks US-South Korea agreement | TheStarsHub

North Korean leader's sister attacks US-South Korea agreement | CNN

TheStarsHub  —  The influential sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has hit back at a key agreement made between the US and South Korea, claiming it will only serve to worsen security. Washington and Seoul made a pact at the White House on Wednesday that aims to deter North Korean aggression, including a … Read more

Paetongtarn Shinawatra, frontrunner in heated Thai election, gives birth two weeks before polls open | TheStarsHub

Paetongtarn Shinawatra, frontrunner in heated Thai election, gives birth two weeks before polls open | CNN

Bangkok, Thailand TheStarsHub  —  The frontrunner in Thailand’s upcoming national elections gave birth to a son on Monday, just two weeks before the polls open. Paetongtarn Shinawatra, whose father and aunt have both previously served as prime minister in the politically turbulent kingdom, shared a photo on Instagram of herself, her husband and their newborn … Read more