A Firsthand Account of the China-India Journalist Visa Spat

A Firsthand Account of the China-India Journalist Visa Spat

Advertisement I have been packing for a move recently, as my apartment’s lease is about to expire at the end of July.  As with any move, there is always a question about what to do with items that may no longer be needed, such as some outdated clothes or an oversized mattress. For me, this … Read more

Why Was India’s SCO Summit Virtual?

Why Was India’s SCO Summit Virtual?

Advertisement This week the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) met virtually for their annual summit. The gathering marked Iran’s newly minted membership but was ultimately dampened by tensions inside, and outside, the group. The SCO originated with the Shanghai Five. Formed in 1996, the initial group — including China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and … Read more

China-India Border Escalations: A Triangular Explanation

China-India Border Escalations: A Triangular Explanation

Advertisement The number of Sino-Indian border escalations in the past decade has outnumbered those that occurred in the five decades after the 1962 border war. These recent escalations shattered the stability that both sides had achieved through agreements signed in 1993, 1996, and 2005.  The unresolved border disputes, the rise of nationalist leaders in both … Read more

India’s Foreign Minister Meets With Counterparts From China, Russia

India’s Foreign Minister Meets With Counterparts From China, Russia

Flashpoints | Diplomacy | South Asia New Delhi’s relationship with Moscow, its Cold War ally, has remained strong. But Beijing gaining more sway over Moscow could prove frustrating for India. Advertisement India’s foreign minister held talks Thursday with counterparts from China and Russia ahead of a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Goa, India. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said he … Read more