Will Modi’s US Visit Provide a Cooling Solution to a Warming Planet?

Will Modi’s US Visit Provide a Cooling Solution to a Warming Planet?

The Pulse | Environment | South Asia Climate change needs to be a key part of the agenda. Eliminating HFCs – the topic of a previous breakthrough – is a good place to start. Advertisement As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gears up to meet U.S. President Joe Biden, deadly heatwaves have been searing through both countries. In India, … Read more

India Puts 5-Year Pause on New Coal Plants, Bets on Renewables, Batteries

India Puts 5-Year Pause on New Coal Plants, Bets on Renewables, Batteries

The Pulse | Environment | South Asia India’s new national electricity plan is hailed by energy experts as a positive step for a country that is currently reliant on coal for around 75 percent of its electricity. Advertisement The Indian government will not consider any proposals for new coal plants for the next five years and focus on growing … Read more