G20 Summit: India’s Authoritarianism Strangles Solutions to Global Challenges 

G20 Summit: India’s Authoritarianism Strangles Solutions to Global Challenges 

The Debate | Opinion | South Asia Rather than setting an agenda that would put forward the voices of the Global South and the world’s most marginalized, India has used its G-20 presidency for cynically domestic political purposes.  Commuters walk past a banner with Indian Prime Minister’s Narendra Modi photograph welcoming delegates of the G-20 foreign ministers meeting, in … Read more

America’s India Problem

America’s India Problem

Advertisement Last week, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was received in the United States for a state visit that included a dinner at the White House and an address to a joint session of Congress. Few other world leaders have addressed Congress twice. There is no doubt that the U.S. government was trying to demonstrate … Read more