Rahul Gandhi Uses the Nationalism Plank to Take on PM Modi

Rahul Gandhi Uses the Nationalism Plank to Take on PM Modi

Advertisement It was expected to be a turbulent Monsoon session of India’s Parliament, coming in the wake of the ongoing horrific ethnic violence in the northeastern state of Manipur, which erupted on May 3, and has sent shockwaves through the country. However, the extent to which the Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government was … Read more

India’s Modi Faces No-confidence Vote in Parliament

India’s Modi Faces No-confidence Vote in Parliament

Advertisement His social media accounts suggest that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is launching high-speed trains and rubbing shoulders with foreign leaders as a powerhouse on the global stage and the face of an ascendant India. But that carefully crafted image, followed by millions, sits uncomfortably at odds with his silence on what’s come close to … Read more