Pakistan’s Not-So-Azad Kashmir

Pakistan’s Not-So-Azad Kashmir

Magazine Pakistan spends a lot of effort condemning India’s governance in Kashmir. Few are interested in addressing the plight of the Kashmiris under Pakistan’s control. A Pakistani Kashmiri addresses a rally near the Parliament House to express solidarity with Indian Kashmiris in Islamabad, Pakistan, Sept. 5, 2019. Credit: AP Photo/B.K. Bangash U.K. High Commissioner to … Read more

India-US Dispute: A Storm in a Teacup?

India-US Dispute: A Storm in a Teacup?

Advertisement In recent days, India has found itself embroiled in a diplomatic dispute with the United States, centered around a visit last month to Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan-administered Kashmir (PAK) by the U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Donald Blome. In October last year, Blome had also raised concerns in New Delhi when he visited the part of … Read more

With G20 Event, India Seeks to Project Normalcy in Disputed Kashmir

With G20 Event, India Seeks to Project Normalcy in Disputed Kashmir

Advertisement As India prepares to host a meeting of tourism officials from the Group of 20 in the disputed region of Kashmir, authorities have deployed elite commandos and stepped up security in the region’s largest city. The meeting will be the first significant international event in Kashmir since New Delhi stripped the Muslim-majority region of … Read more