Will Success in Agalega Compensate for India’s Assumption Island Debacle? 

Will Success in Agalega Compensate for India’s Assumption Island Debacle? 

The small, remote Mauritian island of North Agalega, located in the southwest Indian Ocean 1,122 kilometers north of the main island of Mauritius, is currently seeing a frenzy of development activity. On February 29, Prime Minister of Mauritius Pravind Jugnauth and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated a jetty and an aviation strip on … Read more

Indian Ocean Leaders Warn of Threats to Shipping, Stability

Indian Ocean Leaders Warn of Threats to Shipping, Stability

On Friday and Saturday last week the seventh Indian Ocean Conference was held in Perth, Western Australia. The conference was an opportunity for Indian Ocean rim countries – and those that rely on the region – to discuss the pressing issues within the Indian Ocean, and float ideas to address emerging problems. The theme of … Read more