Russian Fake News Targets Kazakhstan Over Supposed Bioweapons

Russian Fake News Targets Kazakhstan Over Supposed Bioweapons

Advertisement The Russian fake news machine continues to operate, fabricating lies not only about Ukraine and NATO member states but even about neighboring states whose governments have cordial relations with Moscow. A recent fake news post about Kazakhstan in a Russian Telegram channel highlights how Astana must continue to walk a fine line regarding its interactions with … Read more

Russian Military Recruitment Ads Reportedly Target Kazakhstan

Russian Military Recruitment Ads Reportedly Target Kazakhstan

Advertisement While recruitment of Central Asians more broadly into Russia’s war in Ukraine has occurred since the largescale invasion in February 2022, it appears Russian efforts are expanding from targeting migrant workers already in Russia toward more direct outreach. Last week Reuters reported that ads featuring Russian and Kazakh flags alongside the slogan “shoulder to … Read more

Kazakhstan Is Vulnerable to Secondary Sanctions

Kazakhstan Is Vulnerable to Secondary Sanctions

Advertisement In recent months, growing tensions between Washington and Moscow as well as intensified attacks in Ukraine have raised questions over the role of Russia’s neighbors, particularly Kazakhstan. In Washington and Europe, leaders are now considering the potential for secondary sanctions on countries found to be helping Russia obtain prohibited goods.  In looking to achieve … Read more