Between the Superpowers: What Is Germany’s China Policy?

Between the Superpowers: What Is Germany’s China Policy?

Advertisement On June 14, the time had finally come: the German governing coalition under Chancellor Olaf Scholz adopted Germany’s first National Security Strategy. After months of wrangling within the coalition, the paper has been celebrated as an expression of the much-vaunted political “turning of the times,” or Zeitenwende, in Germany’s foreign and security policy. But … Read more

Germany Prods China on Ukraine War As Leaders Pledge To Work Together on Climate

Germany’s National Security Strategy and the China Challenge

Advertisement Germany’s chancellor pressed China to lean harder on Russia over its war in Ukraine on Tuesday, while leaders from both countries pledged to work together to combat climate change as two of the world’s biggest carbon dioxide emitters. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and about half of his Cabinet hosted a delegation led by Chinese Premier … Read more