10 Years After It Vanished, Will Malaysia Restart the Search for MH370?

10 Years After It Vanished, Will Malaysia Restart the Search for MH370?

A decade ago on March 8, a Malaysia Airlines flight vanished without a trace, becoming one of aviation’s biggest mysteries. Investigators still do not know exactly what happened to the plane and its 239 passengers. But Malaysia’s government said Sunday it may renew the hunt for MH370 after an American marine robotics company that tried … Read more

Comedian in New York jokes about Malaysia, faces heated backlash overseas | TheStarsHub

Comedian in New York jokes about Malaysia, faces heated backlash overseas | CNN

Hong Kong TheStarsHub  —  A comedian in New York who joked about the safety of Malaysian planes in an apparent reference to the disappearance of flight MH370 has sparked a heated backlash in Malaysia and Singapore. Controversy over the joke by lawyer-turned comedian Jocelyn Chia at Manhattan’s Comedy Cellar erupted soon after a short clip … Read more