North Korea Successfully Launched Its Military Spy Satellite. What Now?

North Korea Successfully Launched Its Military Spy Satellite. What Now?

North Korea’s first satellite inserted into space was launched on December 12, 2012. However, the satellite failed to stabilize itself and began tumbling and malfunctioning days after achieving orbit, thus becoming defunct. Subsequently, another satellite was lifted into orbit on February 7, 2016, and this time it appeared to fly in a stable orbit, giving … Read more

North Korea Fails to Launch Reconnaissance Satellite on 2nd Try 

North Korea Fails to Launch Reconnaissance Satellite on 2nd Try 

Advertisement North Korea attempted to put a military reconnaissance satellite into orbit on Thursday morning but failed, according to the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). It was the second failed attempt in three months. According to KCNA, North Korea will make a third try in October. KCNA reported that the reconnaissance satellite, named Malligyong-1, … Read more