How the Katchatheevu Island Controversy Impacts India’s ‘Neighborhood First’ Diplomacy 

How the Katchatheevu Island Controversy Impacts India’s ‘Neighborhood First’ Diplomacy 

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent tweet condemning the Congress Party’s decision to accept Sri Lanka’s sovereignty claims over Katchatheevu Island, situated in the Palk Strait, back in 1974, has sparked a major political controversy. He accused the opposition Congress party of weakening India’s “unity, integrity and interest” through this “callous” decision. Sharing this sentiment, … Read more

How Modi Has Changed Indian Foreign Policy

How Modi Has Changed Indian Foreign Policy

As India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks a third term in the parliamentary elections beginning next month, his electoral campaign will be predicated on the many ways in which he has transformed India during his decade in power. Foreign policy is almost never a part of India’s electoral discourse, but Modi has been an exception. … Read more

The Foreign Policy Angle in India’s Upcoming National Elections

The Foreign Policy Angle in India’s Upcoming National Elections

It is traditional wisdom to argue that foreign policy is a negligible factor in Indian elections. While it is undeniable that voters are primarily concerned with quotidian economic issues and questions of identity, it would be unfair to conclude that foreign policy is a mere sideshow that concerns a small group of well-off elites. It … Read more

Indian Foreign Policy in an Election Year

Indian Foreign Policy in an Election Year

During an election year, members of a democratic cabinet are expected to help their principal get reelected, in addition to their other duties. Cabinet members responsible for national security are often exempted from these chores, but most find a way to contribute to the reelection effort. With the publication of “Why Bharat Matters” (Rupa Publications, … Read more

At Global South Summit, Modi Urges Unity ‘for the Greater Global Good’

At Global South Summit, Modi Urges Unity ‘for the Greater Global Good’

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged leaders of developing nations to unite in the face of growing challenges due to the Israel-Hamas war as he convened a virtual summit of more than 100 countries Friday. “This is the time when the countries of the Global South should unite for the greater global good,” Modi said … Read more