A Consequence-based Approach Is Needed for Space Security

Defining ‘Responsible Behavior’ in Space Is a Growing Necessity

Advertisement Developing space security norms has been debated for the past decade with no concrete outcome. There have been several proposals addressing various aspects of the growing insecurities in outer space. The continuing growth of counter-space technologies, as well as states finding more disruptive ways of using space technologies, is leading to potentially dangerous and … Read more

Defining ‘Responsible Behavior’ in Space Is a Growing Necessity

Defining ‘Responsible Behavior’ in Space Is a Growing Necessity

Advertisement Outer space was considered a largely peaceful domain until a decade ago. No longer. The situation has been worsening progressively with countries pursuing destructive activities in space. Unless corrective steps are taken to regulate the kind of activities states engage in in outer space, exploration and peaceful use of outer space even in the … Read more