China-US Relations: Ping-Pong Diplomacy 2.0

China-US Relations: Ping-Pong Diplomacy 2.0

In April 1971, an American taking part in the World Table Tennis Championship in Nagoya, Japan, missed his bus after practice. Glenn Cowan boarded the Chinese team’s bus instead, and Zhuang Zedong stepped forward to greet him. The rest, as they say, is history. Within a few days, the U.S. team received an official invitation … Read more

Indian-Chinese Couples: Rebels or Bridge Builders?

Indian-Chinese Couples: Rebels or Bridge Builders?

China-India relations have been on ice since 2020, when their troops clashed along the disputed Sino-Indian border. Tensions have continued at the political and military levels ever since, despite continued efforts to de-escalate. How have these frictions impacted Indian and Chinese exchanges – especially for people with familial ties to the other country? In the … Read more