China and India’s Intense Contest for Influence

China and India’s Intense Contest for Influence

Under a new defense cooperation agreement with the Maldives, China is set to offer free military assistance to the island nation. Coming soon after the presidential order to remove Indian naval personnel from the Maldives and after a so-called Chinese research vessel visited Malé, the agreement is no doubt a provocation to India.   Whatever the … Read more

Why Was India’s SCO Summit Virtual?

Why Was India’s SCO Summit Virtual?

Advertisement This week the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) met virtually for their annual summit. The gathering marked Iran’s newly minted membership but was ultimately dampened by tensions inside, and outside, the group. The SCO originated with the Shanghai Five. Formed in 1996, the initial group — including China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and … Read more