Grief shrouds remote Pakistan mountain village after Greece migrant boat tragedy | TheStarsHub

Grief shrouds remote Pakistan mountain village after Greece migrant boat tragedy | CNN

Bandali, Pakistan-administered Kashmir TheStarsHub  —  An air of melancholy engulfs the small village of Bandali in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, where hopes are fading fast for nearly two dozen residents who went abroad in search of a better life and have since disappeared. Families fight back tears as they yearn to hear what may have happened to … Read more

Years before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan sank a US warship in China | TheStarsHub

Years before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan sank a US warship in China | CNN

TheStarsHub  —  It’s a day seared into America’s collective memory: December 7, 1941. The day Imperial Japanese warplanes launched a devastating surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, sinking or damaging 19 US Navy ships, destroying 180 US aircraft and killing more than 2,400 Americans, servicemen and civilians. “A day that will live in infamy,” in … Read more

Malaysia investigating possible looting of World War II British shipwrecks | TheStarsHub

Malaysia investigating possible looting of World War II British shipwrecks | CNN

TheStarsHub  —  Malaysian authorities have detained a Chinese-flagged cargo ship amid reports of the salvaging of World War II shipwrecks in Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone, according to a report from the state-run Bernama news agency. The ship was detained and boarded after it was found not to have authorization to anchor in the waters under … Read more