What Might the Future Hold for Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy?

What Might the Future Hold for Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy?

The need to alleviate the strain of great-power competition and navigate uncertainties in international politics has prompted many countries to broaden their partnerships and establish new avenues of cooperation. Taiwan is no exception.  Since the official launch of the New Southbound Policy (NSP) in 2016, the Tsai Ing-wen administration has made great strides to strengthen … Read more

Sailing South: Taiwan’s Strategic Reimagining of Regional Ties

Sailing South: Taiwan’s Strategic Reimagining of Regional Ties

Advertisement The discourse surrounding Taiwan predominantly revolves around cross-strait relations, often highlighting China’s expressed “anger” and perceived provocations. Remarkably, there has been limited attention paid to Taiwan’s strategies in response to China’s aggressive actions and gray zone tactics. Taiwan’s response extends beyond mere military and security considerations, aligning with its overarching policy of avoiding provocation, … Read more