Escape From Involution: The Overseas Expansion of Chinese Technology Companies

Escape From Involution: The Overseas Expansion of Chinese Technology Companies

Amid an economic slowdown, “involution” has become a buzzword in China, poignantly capturing the essence of the highly competitive and stressful socioeconomic climate within its domestic market. This term conveys intense internal competition and diminishing returns despite increasing efforts, both trends that are particularly evident in the technology sector.  In response to this challenging environment, … Read more

Is China Killing Its Fledgling Golden Geese?

Is China Killing Its Fledgling Golden Geese?

Advertisement As China modernizes, one of the constant fears of the country’s leadership and academia has been the middle income trap. Originally introduced by World Bank economists Indermit Gill and Homi Kharas, this trap occurs when a country’s income rises to the point where its labor costs make exports uncompetitive when compared to low income … Read more